Fast paced retro action platformer, inspired by Katana Zero and metroidvania combat.
You'd embark on a journey to save the Sacred Forest, a magical forest in which different creatures live but now attacked by the Selinam kingdom to steal the powers of these creatures stealing also its peace. Help the forest to rescue their leaders and get stronger with their help!
One hit to kill, one to die. Try as hard as you can to save the Sacred Forest from the evil Selinam kingdom and be the hero, if you can...
Systems Implemented
Level Design
For levels to be fast to load a frame management system was implemented.
All levels are composed by many sequential frames, which could count as a small checkpoint within a level. If you die within a frame, you will respawn at the begging of that frame and start from scratch.
No scene loading is required since we only spawn again needed game objects and also we clean what we won't be using anymore.